
Chapters, Members Amount 2007

Chapters amount updated Dec,.2007 Refer from our CEO BNI, Mr Norm Dominguez . End of Year 2007 Chapter Count: 5,010 chapters, 103,607 members and 20.7 members per chapter. In addition to Norm’s announcement below, here are the official year-end BNI referrals and dollar value for 2007: Total Referrals: 5.5 million, Dollar value: 2.2 Billion (USD)!!! It was another great year

International Conference San Diego Nov. 07

Dr Ivan Misner, The Founder of Business Network International made a speech in International Conference San Diego USA , November 2007

Batam Smart Networking Workshop

Mr Hari Purnomo (BNI- Indonesia National Director) Mr Heri (Batam Pos) and Mr Andi Lutfhi (Director Of Sumatra Promotion Centre Ltd ) will conduct "Smart Networking Work Shop for Small Medium Enterprize" in Batam Island. It Will be held in the middle of february 2008

BNI Malaysia was visited BNI- Indonesia Oasis

BNI Malaysia member was visited to BNI-Indonesia Oasis. Mr. Vernon, ( Right standing next to Mr Hari Purnomo) BNI Malaysia member was visited BNI-Indonesia Oasis leaders team. They were shared information and made strategic plan in 2008. Set up goal Number of Referral, done deal and visitor.

BNI Conference November 2006

Mr Hari Purnomo (Left), Mr Sammick Director of BNI Taiwan (1st Right), Mr Erick Director of BNI Taiwan, Mrs Sharon (The Lady) National Director BNI Philippines were visited BNI Head Quater San Dimas California USA

Batam Infosession

Batam August 22, 2007 , Mr Hari Purnomo National Director of BNI-Indonesia, Mr Mervin Yeo National Director of BNI Singapore and Mr Andi M Lutfi As Director of Sumatra Promotion Centre Ltd, made collabration to conduct BNI Infosession in Batam.

BNI-Centrum are looking New members

We are looking new members who have representative offive around Jakarta Stock Exchange Building. The Candidate must be business owner, proffesional, marketer and they like to expand their business trough referral marketing. Mr Ivan Soeria-Atmadja from One Page Carrier Service will be the president of chapter